EPISTLES of Swami Swarupananda Paramhansa Deva in Bengali – transcreated
Jagannathpatti, Dhaka Tue, 1st Nov,1932
In the very same foregoing letter, I hinted to some extent about the bodily sin against which I want you to be wakeful for all the times and that sin pertains to genitals and its misuse. The part of the body meant for urinating falling prey to intemperance gives rise to sin. Nowadays, hundreds of school-going boys have developed addiction towards commission of such sin and doing immense harm to both mind and body. Yet, when first introduced to such a mischief, boys hardly felt that the habit is contemptible and extremely ugly. A boy immaculate in body and mind suddenly feels the itch at the genitals leading to the initiation in the ugly act. Any one, while climbing a tree or riding a horse, get rubbed in the genitals resulting in delightful sensation thus the evil rears its head to smite his life. This is how; a very paltry incident spoils the lives of innumerable boys.
Each and every honest person should see that not a single innocent boy becomes a prey to this contemptible habit. Not only this, every honest person must ensure that no adolescent, because of ignorance, comes to terms with such a bodily sin. Suppression cannot be a cure for a scornful malady. The patient should also not hide away from the doctor nor the doctor on his part should sneer at the patient. However repulsive the disease might be, the doctor should not fail to treat the patient. It is found, sometime, that prevention is better than cure. One should remain alert and see that the disease is kept at bay. In case this does not become possible, the ailment should be treated at the primary stage so as to come round with least effort. Now, if I do not tell you in a straightforward manner about the genitals, you will maltreat the same unknowingly and by degrees become a slave to the bad habit, which might by then found to be intractable. So, it has become necessary on my part, to tell you the truth, as a measure of caution. I know the minds of the thousands of boys spreading over different parts of India. Through the service, I have been rendering to them I have come to the conclusion that advices tendered at an early stage help mould one’s life favourably, otherwise, once the scourge gets entrenched no amount of advice will be of any avail. The saying goes, lock the stable after the horse is stolen. Right advice at the right moment helps a lot. After the thieves decamp with the valuables, no amount of security arrangement will help. I have come into contact with many boys and youths who have degraded themselves into immorality. Their only repentance was that they did not get timely guidance to drive out the scourge of immorality from their lives. It is, however, true that some of these disheartened boys, after determined efforts, regained their lost glory, and established themselves as divine beings. But, this also should not be lost sight of the fact that they had to cope with a relentless struggle to tide over all the blemishes of character by vanquishing the demon and it was not simply a cake-walk. And, it is a stark fact that counseling should be made available to one before he steps into the dark-corridor of characterlessness.
In the lives of many, fancy has a field-day. A capricious sadhu used to initiate whoever comes into his vicinity, be it horse, ass or a dog. . I have also got a whim to tender advice about the proper use of genitals to boys. When I was thirteen or fourteen, I observed that boys receiving such advices were immensely benefited than those who were out of bounds of such an opportunity. Boys, here, I am, with this Mantra, badly needed by you. And when you grow up please do not fail to give good advices to the youngsters.
Now, I bid adieu. In the letters to follow I will let you know many many things of the body considered recondite. God bless ….
Majhpara, Dhaka Friday, 4th Nov, 1932
Today, I shall tell you about the astonishing happening in your body.
The part of the body, always under wrap and privy to you, has a pouch like formation known as scrotum. The pouch or the bag contains the testicles like pigeon’s egg in south and left position. The testicles as a whole are called “egg”, the store-house for blood’s haematin or the essence known as SUKRA. You feel ashamed to bare the scrotum.
The SUKRA or VIRYYA or the vital body-fluid which is an all-important thing in one’s body can be dissipated at will, thus weakening the body and dispiriting the mind. When the genital is manipulated unnecessarily and detestably, a fluid white in colour and semi liquid in substance, goes out. And this is VIRYYA, motivator of brain, intelligence, strength, inspiration, sternness and health. Preservation of this vital fluid is BRAHMACHARYA or continence and its dissipation is incontinence. So that the idea of developing the bad habit of dissipation of the body’s vital fluid which is most valued and soul-giving, does never take root in you, I am writing all these letters with a view to cautioning you.
In your character I want to develop such a force so that you can kick out all temptations born of deception and can establish yourself in this world as one of the real heroes. I want to save you from the lure of the suicidal transitory pleasure.
Why suicide? Because the vital body-fluid is be all and end all of all the living beings. Hence, spoiling this matter is synonymous with suicide. But alas, many boys take resort to this frightful habit. They contract this from people of doubtful integrity. Therefore, associating with characterless men is dangerous. From the moment you become close to an unholy character, the latter will make every effort to drag you down to his level. Your acquaintances whom you consider very intimate and if they happen to be of bad nature, chances of harm from them are great. By dissipation of the vital-fluid at will causes unimaginable damage to the country.
Body’s growth, liveliness and nourishment depend on this vital fluid and therefore, if the same is wantonly wasted, then how will the body grow and be nourished. In case, there is such nefarious addiction then how would the body be in bloom, displaying, freshness, liveliness and beauty?
If one feels that this ugly habit ceases to hold sway after stunting the growth and nourishment of the body then he is mistaken; it completely destroys the existing growth and nourishment of the body. One who has become slave to this ugly habit, his stamina starts diminishing and he never regains his former self. His muscles lose strength and become weaker with the passing of each day. Sprightliness, initiative, capacity to work and diligence start vanishing by degrees. Formerly he hardly felt tiredness in performing a job, nowadays weariness overtakes him even when he performs less arduous job. The distance he used to cover by swimming earlier, now even a shorter distance makes him weary. No longer can he cover the distance running, he used to do at ease before. His capacity to withstand cold has gone and now even mild cold makes him shiver. Thus only one bad habit makes him worthless and unwanted in the society.
Not only this, the contemptible habit brings about other losses. Body’s capacity to function and of perception depend upon the nervous-system. The soundness of this system is affected adversely by this ugly habit. The hand that we stretch forward and pull back at will is the result of the efficacy of this nervous system. Our perception of hot and cold depends upon the nerves. Dissipation of the vital fluid irritates this system to such an extent that it gets weak and this weakness makes the system sick. This sickness is not felt all on a sudden. Dissipation gives the body mild thrill but the effect on the fine and soft nerves is disastrous. Body’s mild sensation proves extremely harsh to the nerves.
The nerves of the brain after getting repeated beatings lose their sensitivity and get deranged. Weakness of the nervous system gives rise to various intractable diseases. I want you to keep off such an obnoxious habit and lead a holy life. This is my only wish. The above narration is not palatable, but please, don’t take this otherwise. God bless.